Tuesday 27 November 2012


With just about less than 2 weeks for eligible Ghanians to exercise their franchise in the most anticipated presidential and parliamentary elections, the presidential candidates and their campaign teams are vigorously using diverse methods and approaches to tailor their comprehensive packages of policies to win power; the electorates at the other end of the line have also made an informed decision regarding all that the political parties have presented to them.

In the same vein, individuals, NGOs, churches and other peace-loving group conscientizing, educating and promoting PEACE through different media- radio, television, drama, peace walk and others just to mention but a few.  At the heart of all these is the understanding that, or country Ghana must continue to live in PEACE before, during and after the voting- that is to say " elections is all about BALLOTS and not BULLETS", neither is it about clubs, stones and knives.

It's in the light of this, that I also write to re-echo, emphasize and add my voice to the numerous peace preachers that WE NEED PEACE in Ghana and so you and I as individuals irrespective of who we are (tribes/ethnic; black and or white), where we hail (North, South, East and West) and our political affiliations must STRIVE, HUNGER and THIRST for PEACE, whenever(day/night; raining/not) and wherever (markets, workplaces, schools, pubs, in cars- troski's, cabs and  etc) we find ourselves.

Yes, we are preaching PEACE PEACE PEACE, but it is not enough to just TALK about it, we must BELIEVE in it; and it's not even to believe in it, WE MUST WORK at it. This means the peace we are all yearning for MUST BE PURCHASED AT TOO HIGH A PRICE. If so, then we ( you and I- all and sundry) MUST be at WAR with our VICES (double voting,carrying ballots boxes, insulting and inciting others, abusing powers, rioting, violating  electoral rules and regulations and any form of behaviors that may serve as precursors to cause fear and panic) and be at PEACE with our NEIGHBORS and follow and observe laid down electoral rules and regulations to ensure safe, transparent and peaceful election.

All am saying is let us give peace a chance, because returning VIOLENCE FOR VIOLENCE MULTIPLIES VIOLENCE, just like ADDING DEEPER DARKNESS TO NIGHT DEVOID OF STARS- thus, HATE cannot drive out HATE, ONLY LOVE CAN DO. Nobody can buy us PEACE but OURSELVES. Let us all demand for peace, LOVE ourselves, be PATIENT, HUMBLE and TOLERATE each other because the MOST POWERFUL WEAPON WE CAN BE IS AN INSTRUMENT OF PEACE.

We have one Ghana and our banner must be Peace, Justice and Love. Ghana is our home and we cannot afford to strangers in other land.. God bless our homeland GHANA.
                                                                                  ................VOTE FOR PEACE; LET GHANA WIN. THANK YOU.......... Tag ur FRIENDS
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